Facial aging is an inevitable process that begins in your mid-30s, progresses through your 40s and slides rapidly downhill in your 50s, when significant changes occur to every aspect of your once-youthful face.
For many, these changes reshape the way a person views themselves in their mind and the way they feel in contrast to the way they look. Most people feel younger than their actual age. Often, it’s their appearance in a photo or selfie that brings to light the shocking realization that they no longer look as youthful on the outside as they feel on the inside.
Looking youthful and fresh makes us feel more attractive and, to put it simply, better about ourselves. This is the number one reason why so many people seek facial rejuvenation procedures. The principle effect of the procedures is to make you feel better about yourself and boost your confidence and overall happiness. Dr. Mather not only restore your youthfulness — Dr. Mather restores your self- confidence.


SAGGING: This is what everyone thinks of when they think of aging. As we get older, gravitational drooping of the face creates wrinkles over once-smooth skin, and skin that used to be tight now hangs and sags with the loss of contour makes us look tired, stressed and simply older.
VOLUME: A beautiful, youthful face is characterized by smooth contours, with defined lines. As we age, our faces naturally begin to lose volume creating a sunken, hollowed out appearance. The most common areas where this volume loss occurs are the temples, mid- face, and the area below the cheekbones.
SKIN: Young skin is bright, clear, and vibrant looking. It has a glow. With time your skin begins to thin, gets discoloured, looks dull with an uneven tone, feels course, it shows fine lines and wrinkles, and we eventually lose this youthful glow.
For over 10 years, Dr. Mather has recognized that the face is all about balance. In order to naturally rejuvenate the entire appearance of the face, it’s necessary to address all features of aging simultaneously to create a harmonious, seamless and innately refreshed outcome. Managing one element without addressing other signs of aging can produce an unbalanced appearance with a lack of harmony, an unnatural look of a single area being ‘done’. With his True Form Rejuvenation Dr Mather provides an inclusive treatment approach that lifts sagging skin, naturally replaces volume loss and treats the skins complexion, texture and fine lines and wrinkles that can mask areas that have been treated. The components of True Form Rejuvenation are a trifecta of treatment which are completed in a single appointment.
FACELIFT: With his contemporary deep plane facelift combined with a neck lift Dr. Mather restores a more youthful facial appearance by lifting sagging skin, smoothing deep creases and wrinkles, and defining the jawline and neck resulting in a more revived and younger-looking facial contour.
FACIAL CONTOURING: Utilizing biostimulating facial fat grafting Dr. Mather harvests natural fat from your abdomen or thighs and utilizes this biologically natural permanent filler to contour the face by replacing the lost volume into targeted areas of the face showing the signs of aging.
LASER SKIN REPAIR: A Lutronic fractional laser skin resurfacing enhance your complexion by rejuvenating your skin’s tone and texture to allow give your skin a softer feel, a brighter appearance and more even tone. By stimulating the growth of new collagen the skin also tightens for months to come.
Dr. Mather can combine additional areas of concern with your True Form Rejuvenation to address further patient concerns resulting in a more comprehensive result and to create the refreshed look his patents are looking for.
A youthful upper eyelid has very little excess skin around the eyelid, and there is a smooth layer of fat that contours around the eye, giving a soft appearance to the orbit. Sagging of upper eyelid skin is reduced with eyelid surgery to remove the excess skin producing a refreshed, less heavy and tired appearance.
The youthful lower eyelid is described as having smooth and firm skin, a smooth contour as it transitions to the cheek, lacks shadows or hollows. Aging results in “bags” under the eyes giving a tired look under the eyes. A lower eyelid surgery is used remove the excess fat, tighten the skin to give a refreshed and youthful appearance.
As we age, it is natural to experience a loss of volume and definition in the lip area, creating an elongated upper lip. his progression results in an upper lip that sinks lower, covering the teeth when you smile, or creating an overlong space between upper lip and nose. As a result, you may appear to be older than you really are. The Lip Lift corrects the lengthening and increases thinning naturally plumping the lips.
Treatment of face with a True Form Rejuvenation addresses everything from the sides of the eyes to the lower neck. This includes the temples, cheeks, marionette lines, jowls, jawline, and the neck. Localized treatment with an isolated facelift addresses the checks and jawline only. Localizing treatment to the face leaves your overall appearance appearing only partially treated which ultimately leaves the face looking unbalanced and odd. To avoid this De. Mather believes you must restore all aspects back to their original state to provide a comprehensive result with all pieces looking like they belong together. This comprehensiveness is a key to a natural outcome.
A traditional facelift generally speaking “pulls” the skin of face sideways or towards the ear. This flattens the face and makes it look tight and stretched. This result is often a tell-tell sign that someone has had a facelift (and that is never a good thing). If you can tell, that means it’s not a good or even acceptable facelift. Dr. Mather’s deep plane facelift lifts the soft tissue and muscle of the face back to their original positions. By lifting vertically, not only is the results more natural but the outcome leaves you looking more restored and not pulled. It’s about providing a refreshed appearance to yourself and not a disfigured or distorted appearance – like you are permanently walking through a wind tunnel!
The neck should always be included as an adjunct to facelift treatment. Not only does the neck contribute to an aged appearance but it is often one of the aging changes that bothers people the most and it’s the one area that ages most rapidly. A typical horizontal lift won’t address the neck because it pulls the face sideways. The neck (muscle) is attached to the cheeks so when the cheeks start to come down the neck comes down with it. What needs to happen at the very least is to vertically reposition and anchor the neck back up.
The other important aspect is, as we age the deep fat pad under the muscles of the neck start to grow. This is called submental fat hypertrophy. When this occurs we lose that smooth shelf under our chins and instead get a bulge or heaviness. This looks like a double chin or in more advanced cases like a turkey waddle. Necks come in all shapes and sizes but they all have some of these above changes occurring. True Form Rejuvenation doesn’t just remove some fat under the skin and tighten the neck muscle (platysma), it goes under the muscle where, that suborn and ever- expanding fat pad lives, and removes that along with any other bulky structures that could make the neck look heavy and full. Going into this space is an advanced approach and to do it well and safely is even more uncommon. However, it is essential for a beautiful and youthful neck.