Throughout ones life, our face and neck looses youthful volume. As structure-giving collagen decreases, skin begins to sag with the support structure that provides our defining features begin to slip away. We become frustrated with the diminished facial volume and resulting hollowing of the eyes, drooping and folding of the cheeks, hanging of the chin and neck. In addition, fine lines and wrinkles accompany collagen depletion and the loss of youth becomes more apparent, skin beings to loose its natural tone and complexion, sun spots appear and it looses its youthful soft texture.
Although this is a natural part of the aging process – it doesn’t have to happen before you’re ready. Many people want to recapture their facial contours, tighten sagging tissue, and rejuvenate the skin on their face to restore a youthful look – but are intimidated by the idea of surgery or don’t like the idea of synthetic injectable fillers. ReSur-Face Facial Rejuvenation is a all natural biostimulatory treatment that utilizes your body’s own intrinsic healing potential to enhance and revolumize the shape and structure of the face, smooth imperfections and wrinkles and improve the complexion and tone of the skin.
Dr. Mather is excited to offer the most innovated nonsurgical skin contouring and tightening treatment in facial plastic surgery provided in Edmonton today. Experience the revolutionizing cosmetic synergy of ReSur-Face: a unique and unparalleled facial sculpting procedure to improve the facial contours and shadows, revitalize aged skin and complexion of the face and neck without the need for major surgery and with near no down time.
As we age we see 3 specific changes in the tissues of the face which results in its lost vitality:
- Skin loses its elasticity resulting in its loosening & sagging along with the development of wrinkling in the face.
- Collagen levels decrease in the skin resulting in hollowing with shadows and the loss youthful contours.
- Natural hyaluronic acid diminishes causing dryness, poor complexion, lost texture, and uneven skin tone.
ReSur-Face is a revolutionary nonsurgical rejuvenation option that provides a 100% natural approach in utilizing your body’s own PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) growth factor to support cellular regeneration and repair of the facial tissue. Dr Mather’s custom approach of combining these biostimulatory stem cells with Radiesse™ to enhance tissue regeneration and do more than just temporarily fill-in facial lines and wrinkles, ReSur-face regrows your skins foundation intrinsically to increase its effect and longevity producing more permanent results.
Using Dr. Mather’s most popular and effective Resur-Face rejuvenation procedure comprises the injection of a biostimulatoy growth factor into the skin of the face, neck and decolletage. Under the care of his staff we ensure that you are comfortable through the entire procedure. Following the skin is treated with a revitalizing laser resurfacing and cooled following with a reinvigorating facial mask.
Radiesse™ is an injectable gel composed of naturally occurring calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA ) microspheres designed to acts as a scaffold under the skin and stimulates the production of your body’s own supply of collagen to restore youthful volume by stimulating your body’s own natural supply of collagen to regenerate the skin’s previous vital appearance. Collagen production continues for months after treatments, which helps to extend the benefits of an initial treatment. Over time, the gel in the solution is absorbed by your body, and the CaHA microspheres are broken down. This leaves behind only your own restored natural collagen.

At the time of administration the Radiesse™ is hyperdiluted with your own stem cells found in PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). Injecting the resultant intensifying stem cells with the Radiesse into and under the skin provides the desired contouring of the face, neck and decollatage to smooth fine lines and wrinkles and revitalize the appearance and quality of the skin to yield the best anti-aging result from the cellular level.
Following injection, a laser skin peel tightens any sagging skin lifting and firming the face and neck thereby reducing any fine lines and wrinkles to revitalize and tighten the tissue along with rejuvenating the texture and complexion of the skin to leave a fresh youthful appearance.
To finish, a hyaluronic acid facial mask is applied over the underlying reborn skin allowing greater penetration and giving an intensive skin rehydration for a glowing result.

It is always better to appear natural and age gracefully, rather
than to appear artificial in any way.

What is PRP
Also known as platelet-rich plasma, PRP is a concentrated solution of naturally-occurring growth factors. A small sample of your blood is drawn and then placed in a centrifuge to separate the PRP. The serum is rich in cell regenerating substances and healing compounds that can be used in your desired treatment areas to inspire new cell growth and trigger collagen production. It is a revolutionary treatment that has been incorporated into a wide range of medical and cosmetic procedures to naturally smooth and rejuvenate your skin.
A Resur-Face treatment provides the most advanced non-surgical procedure to recreate well-defined facial contour, smooth away wrinkles and address aging skin today. ReSur-Face provides long-lasting wrinkle reduction, skin tightening and the restoration of a natural complexion in sometimes a single appointment. With almost no down time your skin continues its reverse aging long after your treatment.