Your eyes are often the first feature people notice about you. They are also your strongest non-verbal means of communicating with others, and when there is sagging or drooping above the eyes or bags under the eyes, it can cause you to look aged and tired beyond your years. Premature signs of aging around the eyes can make it hard for a person to feel confident about how others perceive them. Unfortunately, over the counter and applied cream treatments are often not enough to diminish signs of aging in the eye area. Eyelid surgery, or a blepharoplasty, can be preformed for someone looking to treat excess skin folds around the upper eyelids or to correct bags, fine lines, wrinkles, and the “hollow” appearing under the eyes. It can also remove any creases or troughs in the lower lid.
Dr. Mather’s
Approach to Eyelid
Eyelid surgery is a versatile procedure that is catered to your specific needs. It is one of Dr. Mather’s most commonly performed and rewarding surgical procedures. Few procedures can make such a huge change in your appearance with just a short, same-day surgery. By addressing the skin, muscle and fat pockets above and below the eye, Dr. Mather can give tired-looking eyes a fresh, new look. Upper eyelid incisions are hidden in the eyelid crease, and lower eyelid incisions are often made on the inside of the eyelid so they can’t be seen. Although the procedure typically involves removal of extra skin and reshaping or repositioning of the normal fat pockets around the eye, there are many variations that can be utilized. The methods used in your surgery will depend upon what you most need to address.

Eyelid lift surgery involves the removal of excess fat and skin to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. Patients can enjoy smoother skin and a more refreshed appearance after this procedure.
Excess skin and sagging tissues around the eyes can cause a person to look tired, sad, or old. A patient can expect the eyes to look more alert and youthful once displaced fat is removed or redistributed, excess skin is removed, and sagging muscles are tightened.
Although eyelid lift surgery is often known as a cosmetic procedure, many people undergo the surgery for vision reasons. When the upper eyelids have excess, hanging tissue that nearly touches the pupil, a person may find that their vision is obstructed. Eyelid lift surgery involves the removal of droopy eyelid skin and muscle tightening, if necessary, to correct impaired vision.

When can I go out in the sun after eyelid surgery?
You will have to be careful to protect your eyes from the sun after your eyelid surgery, critical in the first few days. Wear sunglasses when outdoors.
When it is safe to swim after eyelid surgery?
You must completely avoid swimming or other strenuous physical activities for at least three weeks following your blepharoplasty surgery.
How long will the incision be visible?
While the incisions are hidden in the eyelid crease, the final result is not typically achieved until about two months have passed.
Will I need to wear glasses after surgery?
The incision must heal properly, so you should wear your glasses (if you need them) and wear sunglasses when venturing out. No contacts.
How can I be sure that I won’t look strange or “Wide’Eyed”?
As with any surgery, you want the most meticulous surgeon you can find. Dr. Mather always strives to tailor the surgery to the individual characteristics of each patient. During your consultation, Dr. Mather will do a thorough evaluation of your face and eyes with a focus on the specific features that are creating an appearance of aging. Various tests may also be done to evaluate the health of your eyes. Finally, photographs are taken of all patients; these assist with the planning and evaluation of your surgery. He will refresh the area around your eyes to look younger and more rested but the procedure will not make you look like a different person.
How do I choose the surgeon for me?
You can discover much about a surgeon by investigating his or her qualifications and certifications and during your initial consultation, Dr. Mather will determine if you are a good candidate for eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty surgery) while at the same time you will decide if he is right for you.
When can I return to my exercise routine?
You need to wait until give the okay by Dr. Mather – but typically, you will need about two weeks before engaging in any vigorous exercise.
Eyelid surgery with other procedures?
There are many procedures that can be performed in combination with eyelid surgery to help achieve the refreshed look that you are looking for. In fact, most patients in their 50’s and 60’s who are good candidates for facial rejuvenation, usually have signs of aging throughout their face and obtain the most benefit from a more global approach with brow and/or eyelid surgery to treat wrinkles utilizing Botox or facial resurfacing, face drooping with a facelift/necklift to treat the lower face and revolumizing the skin with facial fat grafting.